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Business Section NewsPaper

Earn Large Commissions--
100% From Home

Be Your Own Boss, And Have Our 24/7/360 Support

Mark Ayers with Circle

Train just 5 days online to
become a Certified Loan Officer,
With access to our 7 Billionaires' funding money...


 I'm Mark Ayers, CEO of A1 Financial USA.

 We're looking for special individuals who have a passion

to serve, a self requirement to be professional,

and a dedication to learning.

 Recently there have been huge surges in business funding requests, so we need folks like you immediately so we may

help as many business owners as possible get funding.

   We're even offering financing for the training fee

through our partners (US only):

Up to $50,000, the extra cash is available for FICOs over 550.

This extra cash is there for you because we want you to

focus on the training, not worrying about bills.

If you learn the things you need to learn, you will maximize

your earnings.

 --Today can be the last day of the way you used to be...

if you want to be a better version of yourself.

This type of education is what we do at A1, we help

others grow, we help them thrive, and even reinvent themselves.


A1 Financial USA World in blue
abraham lincoln with flag

President Abraham Lincoln said

"Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend

the first four sharpening the ax".

What he meant was that you could be the strongest lumberjack in the world, but with a dull axe,

(i.e. inadequate preparation) you will have trouble doing

the job properly. This quote teaches our motto: 

"We must improve ourselves

  to do better for ourselves."

Meaning "Knowledge Is Power". Remember that for

success in your life. For a business to work,

the workers must know the system, all the pieces must fit:

Puzzle pieces fitting

First, let's see if the A1 lifestyle is a good fit for you:

guy with lambo
Lady laying in money
STACKs of 100 dollar bills

Like what you see?

 This is the life style of the Business Loan Broker.

All you need to do is learn the system, and then follow it exactly.

Can you do what it takes to become successful with us?

 We ask because four "important to understand" items exist.

-One: Your commission is unlimited and uncapped.

-Two: We fund businesses up to $500 million...

Compensation is a 80% commission split--

 The dollar amount varies on each file, naturally.

For example: commission for a common $100,000 loan is a

range of $4,000 to $12,800...

Not bad for one day's work, right?...

and we do all the hard loan processing work for you,

you simply find clients in need of money,

(and so many are right now) and submit, which is taught

in the training. 

As $500 million is the largest loan we offer, you can do the math on your potential commissions.

-Three: It will likely change your tax bracket.

This may distress some folks.

Others will see it as a good problem to have.

-Four: We ask about "handling" wealth, because we look back at some athletes, actors, and lottery winners from the past.

It has completely ruined them because they were undisciplined

and got rid of the money foolishly, by buying harmful and illegal drugs, or getting in trouble with the law, breaking off important business and personal relationships, etc.

We wouldn't want these to happen to you, so please ask us or a counselor for guidance at any time.


 Other benefits are: 

 -The Business Funding Industry is economy "proof", as

Businesses always need money, during tough times to survive,

during boom times to fill orders, buy inventory, hire, train staff,

buy equipment, purchase buildings, etc.

       Funding needs never end.

-You can never be fired nor laid off.

-You set your own hours, days, and how much you wish to work.

-You'll never work a weekend, your Birthday, nor Holiday again.

-You may work from your home computer and phone, or in the public, or both, it's your choice completely.


Ready to begin your new career?

Email us at, write

"I request the Zelle Franchise Invoice" in the Subject line,

then watch your email for it, please check Spam just in case.

Pay through Zelle and we'll send Day 1 of your online Training.


Or read more:


What does the career entail exactly?

-We train you thoroughly and extensively on how to find business owners that need funding, and with our full spectrum of funding products and services,98.7% of applicants are approved at A1,

so your time is always well spent. We train you how to find and nurture lucrative funding relationships that pay you over and over.

Your territory is the U.S. and  Canada. (55 million+ business owners, and many more being created "thanks" to the pandemic.

-You'll never have to request time off, ever again...just take it.

-You'll never have to work weekends, nor holidays, nor your Birthday...never again.

-You can work from any office...

business man with Surface pad

...or anywhere you have an internet connection:

working on the beach for A1 Financial USA

Always know, we are here to help you earn every penny you can.

If you don't make money, we don't make money.

Our Training Experts will answer all questions and will guide you the entire way, by email, or even better:

>> Friendly Phone Support.

call 909-930-9159 for MONEY

You will also receive an online porthole so you can track your deals and commissions 24/7/365. It is a quickly updated page, so you'll know 5 seconds after something happens, including "OFFER IN!" and "FUNDED!" and "Commission Earned" alerts.

-Please kindly note, although lucrative, this is not a

"get rich quick" needs to be done.

...Having said that, you can get rich relatively easily...

(The record is $55,000 in commission in one day, btw.)

it takes having special knowledge first...thus you must train,

and learn our system...and then follow and work it diligently.


Why A1? 

Why join our company?...What sets us apart?

The answer is simple, we're the #1 Business Loan conglomerate in the U.S.... #2 has 73 lenders, an impressive amount.

But A1 has over 900 Lender/Investors...and they're in every arena of business funding. Seven of the 900+ are billionaires, whom with each we have forged a lifelong funding connection, they fund deals deemed impossible elsewhere...just for us...

What that means for you is that you get paid more, and more often-- (98.7% approvals) on your work. and If you have a client with a need, we'll find them funding, or coach them up for free so they can get funded very soon.

---Understood and all good?

Great...Let's see if you are a good fit for us:


- Do you have both a computer and phone with services?

- Are you a self-starter?

- Can you speak, read, and type English?

- Are proficient with email and texting?

- Are open minded and positive?

- Are you willing to take 5 days of online training?

(at your own pace).

- Are you willing to learn and follow our proven loan system?

 -Are you happy to help people get money they need?


- Do you have an intense desire to be rich, but while you

  put the clients' needs first?

If all of the above are a YES! you can work with us after completing your 5 days of training and testing.

If you are already in a financial field, such as:

-Tax Preparation


-Loan Brokerage

-Accounting and have current and constant clients in need of funding or financing, and wish to add side income,

you may not need the training, please call our HR Department for a short verbal test at (909)-930-9159.


If you are not in one of these fields:

A1 Financial USA will fully train you to become a

Franchised Business Loan Officer in just 5 days.

3 quizzes will be issued, and at the end of the 5,

a Final Exam. Upon passing, you will receive an

A1 Broker's License, and you can start earning immediately.

Franchise Fee Update:

The Franchise Fee is normally $12,999, but we are reducing

it to just $7,999 due the dire need of new Representatives

to serve folks during the funding avalanche.

Many will earn enough to retire from the first 6 months alone. We can also help you with a personal loan up to

$50,000 to cover this fee, and to have some

extra money for yourself right now.

Finger touching a keyboard
handing YOU cash at A1 Financial USA

Click on box:

Finance It LINK BAR

Click the "Finance It" box and get extra cash up to $50,000, (If your FICO is over 679, make that figure $625,000...

please call us for that funding.)

(Choose $1,000-$2,500 initially to be forwarded higher up, per your state's laws.)


Once you have your funding,

or, if you prefer to not use financing,

simply register by email for your training.

                  Join Us!


order now icon in green and white

"How hard is it to find clients needing money right now?"
You ask?...
Click Here For Video

Or email us for the "Zelle Franchise Fee link",



If funding was declined, and if you have no other

way to pay, we have two FREE options as well.

Please call (909)-930-9159 and ask for details.


We look forward to working with you!


Mark Ayers

A1 President


p.s. Virtually all of our Franchisees are wildly successful,

if they follow the Training and Inspirational Quotes 

Read a few of our Franchisee Reviews.


Our Franchise Videos are on YouTube:

Click to watch the 8 min   Click to watch the 15 min

Summary of this A1 Financial USA Franchise page:

 I'm sure if you search online for "least expensive franchise", "make big money from home", or simply want a "work at home career", or even to become Certified at home, you'll find A1 is

the very best of the inexpensive franchises, because you can work from home, make unlimited money, work with a real company in business 35 years as of 1-11-2025, work only when you want, have no boss breathing down your neck, no quotas,

and do it all helping American business owners save their livelihoods.

Waiting Room

Copyright 2005-2025. All rights reserved. A1 Financial USA, and A1 Loans USA are the engines behind 
this website. We have been in business since 1990, happily serving our clients.

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